PEARSON, S. 1990. Don’t get my drift. Grounds Maintenance 25(1): 32,36,38.
Pesticide drift can be a major environmental problem. It also wastes chemicals and contributes to spotty pest control. You can control pesticide drift if you and your crews make it a point to read pesticide labels, check weather conditions and follow proper application instructions. Two types of drift cause chemicals to go off-target — particle drift and vapor drift. Particle drift occurs when the wind or careless application procedures scatters spray droplets off the application site to neighboring shrubs, flowers or even adjacent yards. Vapor drift occurs when chemicals evaporate into the air then the vapor moves wherever the air drifts. Applicators can control particle drift by following these basic principles during application: read the label, check weather conditions, minimize fine droplets, and select the right nozzle.
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