FLEMER III, WILLIAM. 1989. Successful tree planting. Grounds Maintenance 24(9): 48. 50, 52. 54, 109.
Loads of trees on the road to the job site are subject to desiccation en route. To prevent this, cover the load with light tarpaulins or strong plastic sheeting. Some landscape contractors erroneously believe that the ball will protect the tree if planting is delayed. However, dormant B&B trees dry out—especially in sunny, windy weather. If planting is impossible, mass the trees toqether closelv and set up temporarv sprinklers to irrigate the soil balls. Traditionally, spring was the preferred planting time—particularly in the era when all trees and shrubs were planted bare root. As landscape planting increased, it became obvious that all commissioned work could not be completed during the few weeks in spring. Fall planting increased dramatically. Today, a large range of tree sizes can be transplanted successfully. The size of the planting hole is most important. Dig the hole 1 ½ to 2 times wider than the root ball and the same depth. Partially fill the hole with well-aerated existing soil. Tamp the soil carefully around the trunk and roots to eliminate air pockets. Fill the hole with soil, building a 2- to 3-inch berm around the outside edge to hold moisture. Don’t mix fertilizer with the backfill because it is easy to add too much.
CODER, KIM. 1989. Should you fill tree hollows? Grounds Maintenance 24Í9): 68, 70, 72-73, 100.
Tree cavity filling, as a standard procedure, is misguided tree care. Recent research shows that hollow filling rarely benefits trees, and that it generally damages them. There are a few circumstances where you may elect to fill a hollow anyway, but in general, leave tree hollows alone. The biological reasons for leaving hollow alone is a complex story involving tree defenses, wood structure, wood-decaying orqanisms and tree vigor. The managerial reasons for leaving hollows alone are economic. If you don’t have one already, start an active program for tree cavities. You’ll find that a preventive program of tree care, coupled with an aggressive identification of problem trees, will cost less over the lonq run and yield healthier trees. Learn how to identify which hollows are hazardous and remove the tree or branch. Leave non-hazardous tree hollows alone.
- © 1991, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.