Index by author
November 1991; Volume 17,Issue 11
Coffelt, Mark A.
- You have accessCitizen Attitudes Toward Orangestriped Oakworm: Impact, Control, Host Aesthetics, and IPM PracticesMark A. Coffelt and Peter B. SchultzArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1991, 17 (11) 298-302; DOI:
Elam, Pamela M.
- You have accessThe Use of Temperature Threshold Treatments in the Control of Fireblight on Pyrus kawakamiPamela M. Elam and Keith HolmesArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1991, 17 (11) 291-293; DOI:
Holmes, Keith
- You have accessThe Use of Temperature Threshold Treatments in the Control of Fireblight on Pyrus kawakamiPamela M. Elam and Keith HolmesArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1991, 17 (11) 291-293; DOI:
Neely, Dan
- You have accessWater Transport at Stem-Branch Junctures in Woody AngiospermsDan NeelyArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1991, 17 (11) 285-290; DOI:
O'callaghan, D.P.
- You have accessLegal Protection for Trees in Britain and IrelandD.P. O’CallaghanArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1991, 17 (11) 306-312; DOI:
Polanin, Nicholas
- You have accessRemoval History and Longevity of Two Street Tree Species in Jersey City, New JerseyNicholas PolaninArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1991, 17 (11) 303-305; DOI:
Schultz, Peter B.
- You have accessCitizen Attitudes Toward Orangestriped Oakworm: Impact, Control, Host Aesthetics, and IPM PracticesMark A. Coffelt and Peter B. SchultzArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1991, 17 (11) 298-302; DOI:
Svihra, Pavel
- You have accessA Practical Guide for Diagnosing Root Rot in OrnamentalsPavel SvihraArboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) November 1991, 17 (11) 294-297; DOI:
In this issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF)
Vol. 17, Issue 11
November 1991