A comprehensive review of the world literature dealing with root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on landscape trees is presented, including both natural occurrence and positive and negative results of controlled inoculations. Information is provided on more than 120 species in 56 plant genera.
Earlier this year, we published (65) the results of our rather extensive studies of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on willows (Salix spp.). While we were surveying the world literature on this topic, it became obvious that although there had been numerous reports of root-knot nematodes on woody plants there were also great gaps in our knowledge of the exact identity of the pest and host species. Furthermore, it was apparent that there would be opportunities for significant observational and experimental research in this field if persons working with trees were aware of past investigations.
All of the root-knot nematodes are currently classified in the genus Meloidogyne. Although the genus had been established by E.A. Goeldi in 1887 for M. exigua (on coffee trees in Brazil), subsequent authors placed other root-knot nematodes under the genera Anguillula, Caconema, Heterodera, and Oxyuris. It was not until 1949 (14) that B.G. Chitwood re-established the genus, redescribing M. exigua (Goeldi) Chitwood, M. arenaria (Neal) Chitwood, M. incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood, and M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood and describing a new species (M. halpla Chitwood). These are still considered the most widespread and destructive root-knot nematodes throughout temperate zones around the world. Their host ranges include herbaceous and woody plants in field, orchard, and forest, but major research efforts have been restricted to important economic crops such as tobacco, tomato, potato, soybean, strawberry, and cotton.
Some morphological variants of these species have been described as subspecies or varieties, usually expressed as trinomials: M. arenaria thamesi, M. nncognita acrita, and M. javanica bauruensis. In the 1976 compendium of Esser, et al. (20), these three subspecific taxa were elevated to species rank.
A somewhat more biologically important classification has been developed by Sasser (66), who distinguished “races” among these species based on their ability to infest and reproduce on different host plant cultivars. He recognized four races of M. incognita, two of M. arenaria, and only a single race of M. hapla and M. javanica. A further differentiation of two races of M. hapla was made by Triantaphyllou and Hirschmann (76) on the basis of chromosome numbers and mode of reproduction. Sasser (66) stated that the host races of M. arenaria and M. incognita were morphologically indistinguishable (within species). It is of some interest that the culture of M. arenaria that Chitwood (14) obtained from W.H. Thames (M. arenaria thamesi) did not infect peanut and, perhaps, could be equated with M. arenaria (Race 2) of Sasser (66). Despite these studies on morphology, cytology, and host preference, most of the current nematological research is concerned with the utilization or identification of these organisms at the species level.
Of the 35 Meloidogyne “species” listed by Esser et al. (20) in 1976, only three new species had been reported on woody host genera commonly grown in the United States. These were M. brevicauda Loos on tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kunze) in 1953 in Ceylon (41), M. ovalis Riffle on sugar maple and other trees in 1963 in Wisconsin (60), and M. mali Itoh, Ohshima, and Ichinohe on apple (Malus) and other trees in 1969 in Japan (34). Neither M. brevicauda nor M. mali have been found in the United States but M. ovalis has been subsequently reported from Iowa (57).
Since 1976, several new Meloidogyne species have been reported on woody hosts. Golden (24) described M. camelliae Golden on Camellia japonica L. imported from Japan and M. querciana Golden on pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.) from Virginia (1979). Hirschmann (32), in 1982, described M. platani Hirschmann from sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) in Virginia and M. christiei Golden and Kaplan (25) was reported on Quercus laevis Walt, in Florida in 1986.
Based on inoculation studies conducted by the nematologists who described these new root-knot nematodes from woody plants, these Meloidogyne species have a restricted host range and do not parasitize many herbaceous crop plants. Thus, it is likely that more “new” nematode species will be discovered on woody plants. Some may be found on trees or shrubs previously reported as hosts of “unidentified” Meloidogyne species and some could be found on woody plants not previously noted as hosts of any rootknot nematodes.
The compendia issued by the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux and other agencies in England [(28)—1940; (26)—1959; (27)—1965] and that of Ruehle (62) in 1967 were invaluable in preparing this checklist. However, insofar as it was possible, all primary references were obtained and checked for accuracy, especially with regard to the nomenclature of host plants. Some original references could not be obtained and these are noted in “Literature Cited”.
This checklist is presented to stimulate arborists, horticulturists, and nurserymen to be more aware of the potential damage caused by root-knot nematodes, to “look underground” when investigating the causes of poor plant performance, and to help in extending our knowledge of the diversity and distribution of these plant pests.
In this checklist, the plant species are recorded as being “noted hosts” or “natural hosts” of identified or unidentified or unidentified root-knot nematodes. We have tried to restrict the use of “natural host” to those situations where a particular nematode was found to be capable of completing its life cycle (to reproduce) on the host. The term “noted host” denotes only that root galls were observed.
A. japonicum Thunb.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. intercepted in USA on plants from Japan (71).
A. macrophyllum Pursh—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Oregon (9).
A. negundo L.—Susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (60, 61). Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in USSR (78).
A. palmatum Thunb.—Noted host of M. mali in Japan (34).
A. platanoides L.—Susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (60, 61). Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. on nursery stock imported into Finland (39).
A. rubrum L.—Susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (60, 61). Not susceptible to inoculation with M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. incognita, or M. javanica (64); or M. platani (32). Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Tennessee (63).
A. saccharum Marsh.—Natural host of M. ovalis in Wisconsin and susceptible to inoculation (60, 61). Symptoms included chlorotic foliage, twig dieback and plant death.
A. hippocastanum L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. on nursery stock imported into Finland (39).
A. julibrissin Durazz.—Susceptible to inoculation with M. arenaria and M. arenaria thamesi; formed galls with M. hapla, but no egg masses; not susceptible to inoculation with M. incognita, M. incognita acrita, or M. ļavanica (67). Heavy galling noted with M. javanica and slight galling with M. incognita (23).
A. lebbek Benth.—Natural host of M. javanica in Africa (47). Other tropical species are also hosts of M. incognita.
A. japonica Sieb. & Zucc.—Noted host of unidentified Meloid
ogyne sp. on imported stock in Maryland (73).
B. alleghaniensis Britt.—Susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (60, 61).
B. maximowicziana Regel—Noted host of M. mali in Japan (69).
B. nigra L.—Natural host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Georgia (63). Not susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (61).
B. papyrifera Marsh.—Susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (60, 61).
C. japonica L.—Noted host of M. camelliae on material sent to USA from Japan and susceptible to inoculation (24).
C. sinensis (L.) Kunze—”Tea”—Noted host of four major Meloidogyne sp. and also of M. brevicauda Loos in Ceylon (41).
Camellia sp.—Noted host of M. incognita acrita in South Carolina (5) and of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Texas and Georgia (5), and North Carolina (31).
C. betulus L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Italy (77).
C. illinoensis (Wang.) K. Koch—Noted host of M. incognita acrita in Alabama (5).
C. bignoniodes Walt.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in USSR (78) and Israel (49).
C. ovata G. Don—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Maryland (46).
C. speciosa Warder—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (10, 13). Not susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (61).
Catalpa sp.—Noted host of M. incognita and M. incognita acrita in Alabama (5). Plants imported into Canada from Holland were infested with M. arenaria (6).
Celtis sp.—Not susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (61).
C. speciosa (Sweet) Nakai—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (81).
C. alba L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. on nursery stock imported into Finland (39).
C. florida L.—Noted host of M. hapla (70). Noted host of M. Incognita in Goergia (36) and Florida (40). Symptoms included tip burn, premature leaf drop, and stunting. Considered resistant to M. incognita acrita (18). Not susceptible to inoculation with M. platani (1, 32).
D. sisso Roxb.—Natural host of M. javanica bauruensis in Israel (51).
Elaegnus sp.—Natural host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. In Israel (51).
F. americana L.—Natural host of M. ovalis in Wisconsin (60), but no egg masses were found following artificial inoculation (61). Susceptible to inoculation with M. platani showing moderate to high galling and moderate egg production (1, 32). Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in USSR (78).
F. mandshurica Rupr.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (13).
F. nigra Marsh.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (13).
F. o×ycarpa Willd. (=F. oxyphylla Bieb.)—Natural host of M. javanica in Israel (50).
F. Pennsylvania Marsh.—Not susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis; numerous galls were formed but no egg masses (61).
F. retusa Champ.—Noted host of M. incognita in Taiwan (79).
F. syriaca Boiss.—Natural host of M. javanica in Israel (50).
F. velutina Torr.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp.
Fra×inus sp.—Noted host of M. ovalis in Iowa (57). Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Oklahoma (5).
G. biloba L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in
Mississippi (72).
G. triacanthos L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in USSR (78). Not susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (61).
I. cornuta Lindl. ‘Dwarf Burford’ and ‘Rotunda’—Noted host of M. arenaria following artificial inoculation (8).
I. crenata Thunb.—Noted host of M. arenaria in Georgia (5), of M. hapla and M. incognita in North Carolina (31), of M. incognita acrita in North Carolina and Virginia (5), and of M. javanica in Virginia (5). Cultivars ‘Compacts’, ‘Convexa’, Helleri’, and ‘Rotundifolia’ were noted hosts of M. arenaria following artificial inoculation (8).
I. opaca Ait.—Noted host of M. arenaria following artificial inoculation (8). Noted host of M. incognita in Alabama (5).
I. vomitoria Ait. ‘Nana’—Noted host of M. arenaria following artificial inoculation (8).
J. cinerea L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in
J. nigra L.—Noted host of M. ovalis in Iowa (57). Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (13).
J. regia L.—Noted host of M. javanica in Israel (53) and of M. arenaria in Czechoslovakia (74). Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Florida (55).
J. rupestris Engelm.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne
sp. in Arizona (10).
K. paniculate Laxm.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne
sp. in USSR (68).
L. anagyroldes Medic.—Noted host of M. hapla in Maryland;
based on soil samples, not galls (44).
M. baccate (L). Borkh.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. on nursery stock imported into Finland (39).
M. x domestica Borkh.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. on nursery stock imported into Finland (39).
M. prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh.—Noted host of M. mali in Japan (34).
M. pumila Mill.—Noted host of M. mali in Japan (34).
M. sieboldii (Reg.) Rehd.—Noted host of M. mali in Japan (34).
M. sylvestris Mill.—Noted host of M. incognita and M. javanica on Norfolk Island, Australia (38); and (as Malus mitis) an unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Israel (49).
Malus sp.—Not susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (61).
M. alba L— Natural host of M. javanica in Queensland, Australia (17). Noted host of M. incognita in Iraq (33) and an unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Israel (49).
M. bombycis Koidz.—Noted host of M. mali in Japan (34).
M. indica L— Noted host of M. javanica in northern India (56).
M. nigra L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (10, 13).
M. rubra L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (10, 13).
Morus sp.—Natural host of M. arenaria and noted host of M. hapla, M. incognita acrita (51) and M. javanica (52) in Israel.
P. fortune/ Hemsl.— Susceptible to inoculation with M. incognita (80).
P. × acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.—Natural host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Washington, DC (15); later identified as M. platani.
P. occidentalis L.—Natural host (nursery origin) of M. platani in Virginia and susceptible to inoculation (1, 32). Not susceptible to inoculation with M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. incognita, or M. javanica (64).
P. alba L— Natural host of M. Javanica in Israel (50).
P. deltoides Marsh—Natural host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp in South Carolina (63).
P. heterophylla L.—Not susceptible to inoculation with M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. incognita, or M. javanica (64).
Populus sp.—Noted host of M. incognita and M. incognita acrita in Israel (51).
P. amygdalus Batsch.—”Almond”—Noted host of M. hapla (52), M. incognita (50, 51), M. incognita acrita (43, 51), and M. javanica 21, 75).
P. armeniaca L.—”Apricot”—Noted host of M. incognita acrita and M. javanica (43).
P. avium L.—”Sweet Cherry”—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (12).
P. cerasifera Ehrh.—”Cherry Plum”—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (55).
P. cerasus L.—”Sour Cherry”—Noted host of M. hapla (44) and M. javanica (50).
P. davidiana (Carr.) French — Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (13).
P. domestica L.—”Plum”—Noted host of M. incognita in Iraq (33), and of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (11, 55).
P. japonica Thunb. Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (55).
P. mahaleb L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (58).
P. persica (L.( Batsch.—”Peach”—Abundant literature; not included here.
P. serotina Ehrh.—Not susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (61).
P. virginiana L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (10, 13).
P. yedoensis Matsum.—Natural host of M. mali in Japan (34).
Q. agrifolia Nee—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp.
Q. falcata Michx.—Erroneously used as a synonym for Q. laevis, the host of M. christiei (25).
Q. laevis Walt.—Natural host of M. christiei in Florida (25); unusual spherical galls on the sides of the roots.
Q. palustris Muenchh.—Natural host of M. quericiana in Virginia; and susceptible to inoculation (24). Not susceptible to inoculation with M. incognita incognita or M. incognita acrita (24).
Q. rubra L— Susceptible to inoculation with M. querciana (24), shoot growth was visibly affected. Not susceptible to inoculation with M. in cognita incognita or M. incognita acrita (24).
Q. suber L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in France (19) and USA (12).
Q. virginiana Mill.—Not susceptible to inoculation with M.
ovalis (61).
Quercus sp.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. on oak seedlings in Arizona (11).
(See recent work of Santamour and Batzli (65)).
S. saponaria L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in USSR (78).
S. Japonica L— Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in USSR (78).
S. americana Marsh.—Noted host of M. arenaria on stock imported from Holland (7).
S. malacodendron L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (13).
S. dilatata Nakai—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (13).
S. sweginzowii Koehne & Lingelsh.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (3).
S. vulgaris L.—Mistakenly reported by Goodey (27) as a host of an unidentified Meloidogyne sp. Goodey’s information came from Martin (46), which was erroneously referenced as Cobb (16). Martin (46) reported the unidentified nematode on Philadelphus sp., for which “syringa” is a common name.
Tilia cordata Mill.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. on nursery stock imported to Finland (39).
U. americana L.—Natural host of M. ovalis in Wisconsin (60), and susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (61). Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Oklahoma (5).
U. glabra Huds.—Noted host of M. hapla on roots of trees from Holland (30). Small galls were uniformly distributed throughout root system.
U. parvifolia Jacq.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (28).
U. procera Salisb.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. (10).
U. pumila L.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in USSR (78).
U. rubra Michx. (=U. fulva Michx.)—Not susceptible to inoculation with M. ovalis (61).
Ulmus sp.—Noted host of M. arenaria and M. incognita in the Netherlands (59) and an unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Oklahoma (12).
Z. serrata (Thunb.) Makino—Noted host of M. incognita and M. Javanica in Taiwan (79).
Z. mucronata Willd.—Noted host of unidentified Meloidogyne sp. in Southern Rhodesia (35).
- © 1990, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.
Literature Cited
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