Research ArticleArticles
Effects of Simulated Acid Rain, Ozone and Sulfur Dioxide on Suitability of Elms for Elm Leaf Beetle
Richard W. Hall, Jack H. Barger and Alden M. Townsend
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) March 1988, 14 (3) 61-66; DOI:
Richard W. Hall
Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43015
Jack H. Barger
Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43015
Alden M. Townsend
Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43015

Literature Cited
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In this issue
Effects of Simulated Acid Rain, Ozone and Sulfur Dioxide on Suitability of Elms for Elm Leaf Beetle
Richard W. Hall, Jack H. Barger, Alden M. Townsend
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) Mar 1988, 14 (3) 61-66; DOI: 10.48044/jauf.1988.014
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