BING, A. 1984. Effective control of grasses now possible with herbicides. Am. Nurseryman 159(2): 63-65.
Frequently weed control programs are inadequate because treatments were not put on in time or conditions for treatment were not favorable. If grasses are the weed problem, there now are some very good control measures. The choice is between (1) a directed spray of Paraquat or Roundup (glyphosate) or (2) an overall, non-directed spray of one of the new selective grass killers. Other new herbicides are now available that kill a wide range of grasses and harm very few other plants. These were first labeled for use on soybeans, where there is no injury to the crop and good control is obtained of many seedlings and perennial grasses. These chemicals have been tested on ornamentals for several years, and Poast (sethoxydim) and Fusilade (fluazifop-butyl) are now labeled for use on ornamental crops.
- © 1985, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.