SHOUP, S.C. and C.E. WHITCOMB. 1984. Activated charcoal does not prevent Hyvar X damage. Am. Nurseryman 159(7): 41-43.
Hyvar X (bromacil) is frequently used as a total vegetation control herbicide at high rates and has a halflife of more than one year. There have been numerous reports of Hyvar X damage to landscape and street tree plantings. Recommended rates of activated charcoal have not been effective in eliminating further herbicide injury to plants in the heavy clays of central Oklahoma. One purpose of this study was to determine if activated charcoal could deactivate Hyvar X if applied to soil at rates higher than recommended. Another objective was to determine if there are any detrimental effects to landscape plants from applying activated charcoal. This study shows that on a heavy clay soil, activated charcoal at the rate of 5 pounds per 100 square feet is not effective as a short-term solution to injury caused by Hyvar X. Although high rates of incorporated charcoal reduced the rate of development of injury, all test plants eventually died in all plots treated with Hyvar X, even after one year.
- © 1985, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.