ORANS, M. 1984. Trees that tolerate smog. Am. Nurseryman 159(9): 111–113.
Smog and stress caused by carbon monoxide from motor vehicles can take a heavy toll on plants, particularly along streets and in parking lots. Yet an alert nurseryman should be able to find a few varieties in any locale that show superior resistance to these problems. Over the years, I have often noticed that certain plants appear to flourish in a diversity of growing conditions, despite attacks from man-made and natural enemies, while others go down or barely survive. Yet some of these stalwarts are not used broadly, especially where they might be most appropriate — new developments with population increases in what were rural areas. Among my selections are species of Laburnum, Pyrus, Cryptomeria, and Metasequoia.
- © 1985, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.