Research ArticleArticles
Dieback and Declines of Urban Trees
Houston David R.
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) March 1985, 11 (3) 65-72; DOI:
Houston David R.
Principal Plant Pathologist, USDA Forest Service, Center for Biological Control of Northeastern, Forest Insects and Diseases, 51 Mill Pond Road, Hamden, Connecticut 06514
- Houston, D.R.
- Houston, D.R.
- Houston, D.R.
- Houston, D.R.,
- J. Parker, and
- P.M. Wargo
- Houston, D.R.
- Houston, D.R.
- Houston, D.R.
- Houston, D.R.
- Messenger, A.S.
- Roberts, B.R.
- Schoeneweiss, D.F.
- Schoeneweiss, D.F.
- Schoeneweiss, D.F.
- Sinclair, W.A.
Ash Dieback and Decline
- Hibben, C.R., and
- S.B. Silverborg.
- Hibben, C.R., and
- J.A. Reese.
- Lana, A.O., and
- G.N. Agrios.
- Marshall, R.P.
- Matteoni, J.A.
- Ross, E.W.
- Ross, E.W.
- Silverborg, S.B., and
- R.W. Brandt.
- Silverborg, S.B., and
- E.W. Ross.
Beech Bark Disease
- Houston, D.R.
- Houston, D.R
- Houston, D.R.,
- E.J. Parker,
- R. Perrin, and
- K.J. Lang
- Shigo, A.L.
- Daughtrey, M.L.
Maple Declines
- Drilias, M.J.,
- J.E. Kuntz, and
- G.L. Worf
- Giese, R.L.,
- D.R. Houston,
- D.M. Benjamin,
- J.E. Kuntz,
- J.E. Kapler and
- D.D. Skilling.
- Hibben, C.R.
- Lacasse, N.L., and
- A.E. Rich.
- Parker, J, and
- D.R. Houston.
- Wargo, P.M.
- Wargo, P.M. and
- D.R. Houston
- Wargo, P.M.,
- J. Parker, and
- D.R. Houston.
Oak Declines
- Dunbar, D.M., and
- G.R. Stephens.
- Houston, D.R., and
- H.T. Valentine.
- McManus, M.L.,
- D.R. Houston, and
- W.E. Wallner.
- Nichols, J.O.
- Roane, M.K.,
- R.J. Stipes,
- P.M. Phipps, and
- O.K. Miller, Jr.
- Staley, J.M.
- Stipes, R.J., and
- P.M. Phipps.
- Ware, G.H.
- Ware, G.H.
- Wargo, P.M.
- Wargo, P.M.
- Wargo, P.M.
In this issue
Dieback and Declines of Urban Trees
Houston David R.
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) Mar 1985, 11 (3) 65-72; DOI: 10.48044/jauf.1985.017
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