Research ArticleArticles
Costs of Dutch Elm Disease Management in Wisconsin Communities
Charles J. Kostichka and William N. Cannon
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) September 1984, 10 (9) 250-254; DOI:
Charles J. Kostichka
Former Dutch Elm Disease, Education Coordinator, University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison and Research Entomologist, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Delaware, Ohio, respectively
William N. Cannon Jr.
Former Dutch Elm Disease, Education Coordinator, University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison and Research Entomologist, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Delaware, Ohio, respectively

Literature Cited
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- Barger, J.H.
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- Barger, J.H.,
- W.N. Cannon, Jr.., and
- S.R. DeMaggio
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- Campana, R.J., and
- R.J. Stipes
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- Cannon, W.N., Jr.., and
- D.P. Worley
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- Cuthbert, R.A.,
- W.N. Cannon, Jr.., and
- J.W. Peacock
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- Giedraitis, J.P. and
- J.J. Kielbaso
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- Hafstad, G.E.,
- J. Libby, and
- G.L. Worf
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- Kondo, E.S., and
- G.D. Huntley
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- Kostichka, C.J.
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- Kostichka, C.J.,
- G.L. Worf,
- C.F. Koval,
- E.B. Smalley,
- R.L. Norgren, and
- J.G. Wischer
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- Phillipsen, W.J., and
- A. Gkinis
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- Sherald, J.L.
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- Sinclair, W.A., and
- R.J. Campana
In this issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF)
Vol. 10, Issue 9
September 1984
Costs of Dutch Elm Disease Management in Wisconsin Communities
Charles J. Kostichka, William N. Cannon
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) Sep 1984, 10 (9) 250-254; DOI: 10.48044/jauf.1984.054
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