KUHNS, L.J. 1983. Two new herbicides receive approval. Am. Nurseryman 158(4): 75.
Two herbicides have recently received approval from the Environmental Protection Agency for postemergence grass control in ornamentals. Poast, produced by BASF Wyandotte Corp., Parsippany, NJ, and Fusilade, produced by ICI Americas, Inc., Wilmington, DE, provide excellent control of almost all grasses. They can be applied directly over the tops of a wide range of broad-leaved and needled ornamentals with little risk of injury. In tests conducted at the Pennsylvania State University Horticulture Research Farm, the two materials were applied twice over the tops of container-grown Blue Rug juniper, double file viburnum, Japanese holly, Lalande firethorn, and winged spindle tree at rates of a quarter, a half, and one pound active ingredient per acre. No plants were injured at any of these rates. Because these materials are so expensive, it is especially important that they are used properly.
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