Hoitink, H. A. J., A. F. Schmitthenner, and L. J. Herr. 1975. Composted bark for control of root rot in ornamentals. Ohio Report 60(2); 25-26. (OARDC, Wooster).
Several attractive advantages are associated with composted bark growing media. A changeover from peat to composted bark could result in: 1) utilization of all available hardwood bark and subsequent elimination of environmental pollution caused by huge bark piles; 2) reduction of landscape destruction in peat bogs; 3) lower fuel consumption for production of ornamentals, and possibly other crops; 4) reduction, and for some crops elimination, of the need for soil fungicides and hazardous fumigants; 5) production of healthier plants for use in the landscape; and 6) reduction in production costs of some plants because of more rapid growth leading to shorter production cycles and reduced plant losses due to disease.
- © 1975, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.