Trolinger, Jane C. 1975. Occurrence of Cristulariella leaf spot in the Arboretum. Arboretum Newsletter, West Virginia University, Morgantown, Vol. 22(2): 1-6.
The disease was found to be of rather widespread occurrence on a variety of broadleaved plants. The disease, commonly known as bull’s-eye spot or zonate leaf spot, often causes severe spotting of the foliage resulting in premature defoliation of the host plant. Host plant growth can be stunted and plant vigor reduced when the amount of manufactured starches and sugars are decreased. Fruiting structures of the fungus resemble miniature white Christmas trees. The incidence of C. pyramidalis, a once relatively obscure pathogen, seems to be increasing. Only limited information on the control is available at the present time.
- © 1975, International Society of Arboriculture. All rights reserved.